There are many types of healing energies however Reiki is channeled by someone who has been attuned to its frequency. One of the many beautiful qualities of Reiki is that it does not do any harm; it always works for the benefit of the client. The client does the healing while the practitioner serves as a conduit.
According to the International Center for Reiki Training: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by ’laying on hands’ and is based on the idea that an unseen ‘life force energy’ flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's ‘life force energy’ is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Re means Universal and Ki means Life Force Energy. This Life Force Energy flows around and within us sustaining our mind and body. When exposed to physical injury or emotional pain, it becomes diminished, blocked or stagnant which can cause illness. Reiki heals by channeling Universal energy into these areas and raising the vibration, allowing the healthy Ki to flow more fully.
A beautiful aspect of Reiki is that it goes to the source of the problem; it does not just address the symptom. It may take some time for the symptom to dissipate while healing is focused on the core issue. After a session, clients may receive information as well as inspiration about circumstances in their lives that need their attention.
Although goals are discussed prior to a session, releasing the outcome is an important part of the process for both the practitioner and client. Healing is a contract between the client and a higher Source.
Give yourself the gift of Reiki!
The techniques and processes used in Usui and Karuna Reiki as well as Shamanic Reiki allow Life Force Energy to flow more smoothly removing negativity and facilitating wellness, relaxation and peace of mind.
It is not necessary to understand, or even believe in, energy healing to benefit from this work. However, you do have to give permission to receive a treatment. If you are looking for a more natural approach to healing, it may be worth a try.
Natural alternatives are becoming more popular, even in conjunction with traditional medicine, and many hospitals now offer Reiki sessions to patients. People may want to avoid pharmaceuticals and invasive techniques if possible, opting to have more control over their healthcare options and healing path.
Energy healing may be right if you:
~have a strong desire to heal.
~have an open mind and are willing to trust the process.
~are willing to commit to attending sessions on time and following simple instructions.
~are patient as this modality is not always a quick fix and commitment is important.
~ask questions when unsure about something and provide feedback as needed.
Practice self-care by booking a session!
Your role is simple, yet essential. All you have to do is to be willing to heal and receive the energy. You can state: “I am willing to be deeply healed.” I like to envision white, sparkling light pouring over my head radiating throughout my body, nourishing every cell and every space. Thoughts may come and go; this is normal. Just acknowledge them and release them, picturing them floating away on a puffy, white cloud.
Typically, clients report feeling very relaxed and refreshed after a session. Some fall asleep, which is fine as it allows for deep healing without the interference of the mind. Some experience warmth, tingling, waves of energy, or coolness in various areas. Some receive intuitive insights during the session. Others do not feel much, although that is rare. A few clients report feeling unsettled or that their mind is racing. Some may experience a minor, temporary worsening of symptoms such as an increase in pain in the affected area, headache, tiredness or strong emotions and this denotes a “healing crisis” which is a positive occurrence. The healing energy is working to eliminate toxins and this produces beneficial results afterwards.
The benefits of the session continue to work for the client’s highest well-being, even after the session. Many have shared that positive effects have continued for days and weeks following an appointment. For severe or long-standing issues, receiving a treatment once per week to start is advised. After momentum is gained and issues resolve or subside, every two weeks or longer, should be fine.
Give energy healing a try!
Animals are very sensitive to energy and experience the vibrational frequency of Reiki at a faster pace. What feels good to us can be powerful or even overwhelming to an animal so it is important for the practitioner to gauge the animal’s willingness to accept Reiki or continue with a session. Some signals that an animal is interested are watching with interest, moving closer and appearing calm. They often become relaxed or sleepy; they may twitch or dream deeply. It is important to respect the boundaries and needs of an animal as well as temper our own expectations. There is a temptation for us to assume we know what our pets want yet it is not about us; a loving approach lets them choose.
Hands-on positions are not needed with animals, as the process is more intuitive. Just like with people, remote healing works well with animals. They may even prefer it as they can relax in their own setting. During a remote session, a time is set for the appointment however the animal can do as they please. It is not practical to ask them to lie down in a quiet space! I ask the caretaker to keep me informed of the animal’s reactions during the session and an animal Reiki session typically lasts 15 – 20 minutes. During the session, I can send an image or message to the animal to let them know why something is occurring (such as a Vet appointment or that the family is going on vacation) or provide an image of desired behavior.
Reiki can help reduce pain or symptoms of a physical illness. Often, behavioral or anxiety issues will show improvement. Chronic or serious illnesses may not always resolve completely however, animals tend to have a longer, more peaceful life with regular sessions. It is important to release attachment to a particular outcome, particularly with our pets. We do not know what the animal truly needs or wants so it is vital to examine our inner expectations.
Animals love Reiki!
Some may have a difficult time understanding how a Reiki session can work without the use of something tangible such as a computer or phone. Initially, I had the same question but Remote sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions.
Practitioners attuned to Reiki II are able to provide remote sessions and they work very well. Energy travels just as efficiently and powerfully through time and distance with focus.
Distant or remote Reiki is energy that is sent through emotion, thought and intention using specific techniques and symbols. It flows through energy currents similar to the way electricity or a phone signal does to the recipient’s energy fields and pathways. Distance is no object; the practitioner is the channel. I find that giving a session remotely is powerful as I am able to go inward and connect with my intuition for the benefit of the client in an effective way.
It turns out that many people prefer this method as they can relax more fully in their own homes and find it easier to fit into their schedules!
Enjoy a healing session in your own home!
Copyright © 2023 Living from Your Soul LLC. - Jeanmarie Wilson - Reiki Practitioner. All Rights Reserved.
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